Digital Arts and Entertainment was born in September 2006 after several yeras of research in Belgium and abroad. DAE grew from 180 students and 1 major to 1500 students and 6 majors, in 17 years’ time. While the size is different now, the base remains unchanged:
Work hard, play hard
The industry is built on passion, commitment and hard work. Not everyone is able to combine and integrate this mix of skills and competences, and not everyone can devote an average of 50 hours or more per week on their education. However, for those who do succeed, a wonderful future is in store!
For a student in Digital Arts and Entertainment, the world is their playground! Digital Arts and Entertainment has an international focus and this can be found in everything we do.
DAE is more than just a degree; as you enter The Level, you become a member of the community – a vibrant, international community that promotes mutual respect and collective growth.
Our community is for and by the students – and to the students we pledge our commitment to upholding a campus culture of open-mindedness, inclusivity, acceptance, and connections.
Anticipate the future
We call ourselves atypical; we have an edge. We welcome those who draw outside the lines and think outside of the box. We promote entrepreneurial awareness and provide opportunities for entrepreneurship.