On monday 9/2 Minister Muyters and Mayor Van Quickenborne where a guest at Howest The Level. The visit is part of a research project Howest and Kortrijk city are currently collaborating on: how to invest in high-tech entrepreneurship and start-ups in the region around “Kortrijk Weide”. It aims to achieve this through co-financing from both regions, the Flemish government and Europe.
During the visit, the Minister got introduced to the already established companies and startups at The Level. They are all looking forward to a strong economic and innovative high tech start-up hub at “Kortrijk Weide”. After all, entrepreneurship attracts entrepreneurship. The companies based in The Level are active in the field of state of the art visualization technology such as game development, architectural visualizations, virtual reality, augmented reality, visualization of heritage, 3D for the web, mobile applications...
A brief listing of the companies located in The Level: DAE Studios SA, Pixel Ant Creative Studio, Kaetemi, Stack and Heap, Prizmiq, Quibits bvba, Glowfish Interactive, Cartamundi Digital For more information about the
Howest business accelerator at The Level: