For the 3D1 exam assignment our fist year students had to make a cityscene based on a mediterranean or asian city. The goal was to create everything in 3dsMax with diffuse textures only and having it exported onto Sketchfab (link to all the student uploads).
With no previous experience our students where first introduced to the workflow and tools of 3ds Max at the beginning of the semester. With five weeks of 3D under their belt they started producing their own game ready 3D props (smaller objects) for their cityscene. We emphasized on optimization, good unwraps and texture workflow. For most students it was also their first encounter with Photoshop.
As the weeks progressed we tackled how to create houses using a combination of unique and tileable textures. We ended the semester with making vegetation and a small vehicle. Another key element in constructing a scene like that was working in an orderly fashion: good naming conventions and asset tracking was crucial.
<update> Pablo Sanches was asked by Sketchfab to write an article about the making of his scene. You can read it here.
These are some of the results:
Cityscene by Evgeni Vdovlov on Sketchfab
CityScene by Matthias Kimpe on Sketchfab