Preproduction 2: Results Colour and Mood assignment

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For this assignment we took the interior of a church as the basis for a colour and mood paint. In preparation for this assignment, the students created observational sketches in a few churches in Kortrijk. They implemented a given theme in their best church sketch and created an attractive atmospheric digital painting.

Jeroen Van Loock:

Jimmy Ghysens:

Jean-Philippe Lybeer:

Davey Hintzen:

Tom Lecluyse, Steffi Exelmans:

Matthias Kimpe, Justine Lecat:

Sam Cotman:

Carlo Dobbe, Pablo Sanchez:

Maximilaam Maene, Carlo Dobbe, Fabian Huwel, Tim Coddens, Michiel Noyez-Vermont, Sofie Van Rompaey, Pablo Sanchez: