Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart is a feature animated movie Produced by Europacorp, France 3, Ile de France, Canal+, CinéCinéma, Walking The Dog and Ufilm, Directed by, Stéphane Berla & Mathias Malzieu, Scenario by Mathias Malzieu.
The story: a 19th-century drama about a man whose heart was replaced with a clock when he was born. The situation dictates that he should avoid feeling strong emotions -- love, most of all -- but he just can't keep his feelings under wraps.
A whole group of talented DAE alumni have helped to create this wonderful film:
-Justine De Coninck-Alliet: Matte painint artist
-Sam Verschraegen: Character Animator
-Bert Van Eeckhout: Lighting and finaling artist
-Sven Fraeys: Lead Pipeline TD
-Clair Bellens: Pipeline TD
-Eckhart Piqueur: Production Assistant
-Xander Clerckx: Rigger/generalist
-Wang Yen Ren: Character FX TD
-Aaron D'haene : 3D artist
-Robbert-Jan Brems: Pipeline TD
-Mathias Claeys: Pipeline TD
-Dylan Marey: Pipeline TD, Cloth FX
-Bram Van Rompuy: Rigger, cloth FX
In theater from 5 February 2014 .