Exam Results 2017-18: Level Decoration: UE4 Scene

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For the final exam of Level Decoration students had to dress up an environment in Unreal, taking into account performance, composition, colors, materials, lighting and everything else to make a portfolio-worthy scene. Students also had to make 3 substance designer materials and implement them into the environment.


Here are the results!

LD_F_2DAE06_Belliard_Nic from DAE on Vimeo.

LD_F_2DAE02_Vdovlov_Evgeni from DAE on Vimeo.

LD_F_2DAE06_Boonen_Lukas from DAE on Vimeo.

LD_F_2DAE02_Buttiens_Nathalie from DAE on Vimeo.

LD_F_2DAE02_Jonsson_Marcus from DAE on Vimeo.

LD_F_2DAE02_Maene_Maximiliaan from DAE on Vimeo.

LD_F_2DAE02_Vermeersch_Keltic from DAE on Vimeo.