He did it, Episode 20 is online! Enjoy it here!
Art Stuff! is a tutorial series by Jordy Lakiere on youtube about digital painting and drawing. Covering fundamentals and moving into advanced material as episodes continue.
Jordy graduated from DAE in june 2012 after he did his internship at Larian Studios where he was working on two AAA titles: Divinity Original Sin and Divinity Dragon commander. After his internship he choose the path of freelancing over an in-house contract.
Jordy is specialised in: Concept art for the entertainment industry, 3D environment art for games and Illustration work. Up to now he has covered a wide are of disciplines in his freelance work: cards, book covers, promotional illustration, game concept art, board games, 3D sculptures, UI, textures.
Keep it up Jordy, looking forward to Episode 50!
More of his artwork can be found on his portfolio site.