The visual storytelling course is an exploration of the animation preproduction pipeline for 2D animatics. The primary focus lies on seamlessly developing ideas into captivating visual stories.
Throughout the course, students acquire the skills to bring their narratives to life, starting from the basics of drawing stick figures and swiftly progressing to the generation of animation key poses. Transforming these into vibrant and expressive cartoony designs, each accompanied by a backstory to add depth to the character. They create contrast by adding a second character to set up the stage for a confrontation. The result is a short story, to a maximum of one minute, visualized through a rough storyboard.
Staging and framing are crucial ingredients for creating clean and visually compelling storyboards. But it doesn't stop there. Exploring sounds in the animation adds another layer of depth to their creations.
In video: Fleur Sterkens | Julius Taal | Lore Van Brussel | Sofia Mongini | Luca Morre
Marwan Didou

Sofia Mongini

Luca Morre

Julius Taal

Lore Van Brussel