Creating a 3D model using a procedural workflow, like classic 3D, starts with a simple shape. Manipulations are then carried out to achieve the intended result after several steps. Based on an existing model, a similar model can be obtained by adjusting the parameters associated with those manipulations. The benefit is that much of the work to create a procedural 3D model can be reused.
The concept of procedural 3D is not new. In recent years, as computers become more and more performant, a tipping point has been reached, with new ways of creating 3D models fundamentally changing the mainstream games and VFX industry. Internationally, we see procedural 3D techniques gaining in popularity. The Procedural 3D project serves as an accelerator for Flemish companies, which can get to work faster through use cases and generic research. In addition, we lay the foundation to prepare our students for that shift in the industry.
Interactive 3D is used across a variety of industries, both in entertainment and beyond. The applications have become interesting for many companies but remain very expensive. Procedural 3D can speed up or optimize certain production processes, among other things. Its use can thus result in higher cost efficiency and productivity.
This 'Procedural 3D' project therefore looks at the added value of procedural creation of 3D. The project consists of a two-part focus:
- developing concrete use cases in which procedural technology is applied;
- a broad knowledge transfer of procedural 3D techniques.
Based on surveys and 1-on-1 conversations with the companies in our steering committee, we identified several areas of interest in which procedural 3D could provide added value. Due to the broad usability of the technology, we divided these use case questions into three overarching pillars:
- Body, clothing & soft bodies
- Real-time integration & input data
- Rapid prototyping
More information can be found on the project website.
Status: Vlaio TETRA Project, 2 years, start October 2019, finished