One of the main topics for our second year Game Development students and also the Game Graphics Production students is rigging.
The students first learn the basics of rigging, with the focus on technical objects.
Students had to tackle the specific technical challenges, and translate these to a user friendly tool for the animator.
These are some of the results:
GGP_Rigging2017_Dieter Tack from DAE on Vimeo.
GGP_Rigging2017_Simon Verstraete from DAE on Vimeo.
GGP_Rigging2017_Quinten Wuyts from DAE on Vimeo.
GGP_Rigging2017_Mieke Yperman from DAE on Vimeo.
GGP_Rigging2017_Kevin Loddewykx from DAE on Vimeo.