3D Animation 3

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In Animation 3 you get the chance to prove yourself as an actor or for example to impersonate the drama queen you always wanted to be!

• We explore the mysterious world of emotions and how to reproduce them on an animated character to make your audience weep, scream or laugh.

• We learn how to analyze sound.

• Make your puppet babble his life away with convincing lip synch.

• We explore how to make character interact, react.

• We might enter an animation contest, so you get some fresh feedback.

This is a good way to compare your qualities to other animators and to exchange your experiences.

And finally… the last assignment where it all comes together: do what you are best at.
All this with the 12 principles tattooed into our hearts

Technology used:

Autodesk Maya




Used rigs:

Rig 'Jaafar' by Alorema Rigs, Rig 'Waitress' by Santiago Calle and Francois Boquet, Rig 'Aang' by Mia Pray and Rijah Kazuo, Rig 'Boni by Ugur Ulvi Yetiski, Rig 'Ghostly Knight' by Emilio Serrano; Rig 'Link' by Christoph Schoch, Rig 'Tom' by Artem Dubina & Rinan Adamanov; Rig 'Lou by Dmitry Danilov & Boris Klimov, Rigs by Gabriel Salas