Preproduction 2

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Preproduction 2 continues on the knowledge acquired in the module Preproduction 1. The acquired skills and techniques will be refined and deepened. Students will extend their knowledge of perspective and digital shading in Adobe Photoshop.


Preproduction 2 focuses on composition, mood, colour and materials. The students will use their knowledge of textures, materials and presentation to create realistic looking production sheets.

Both analogue and digital tools will be used to create new work that is creative, technically strong and innovative.


The contents of this module:

  • Draw complex forms in perspective
  • Develop the techniques to create clear and easy to read composition thumbnails
  • Develop the techniques of observational drawing
  • Develop the techniques of digital shading
  • Create a clear and realistic production sheet


Technologies used:



For their end-term project our first-year students were tasked to visualize a long-gone crash site on an alien planet, clearly showing the remains of an abandoned human space station. 

The space station we used as a reference for this was the famous Stanley Kubric 'Space Station V' from '2001: A SPACE ODDYSEY'

Each student chose one of the already prepared mood boards to develop their Alien world. The working process towards that final keyart was the most important aspect of the assignment, namely: Creating varied ideas which were then elaborated further with an eye on composition, mood/color and a detail/texture pass. Result by Sebastien Vanschoonbeek.

For this assignment the students created a digital mood painting of a landscape in which a medieval tower  was the focal point. In addition to the tower, they also had to include the following landscape elements in the environment: rocks, trees, water and clouds. Result by Lara D'Adda.

For this assignment the students created a digital painting of a Pirate Chest based on a given perspective grid. The focus was on creating readable renderings through the use local values, matte and glossy surfaces and the principles of light. Result by Noah Baumann, Gert Braeckman