Second year, second semester, it’s about time to test all the skills you have acquired in the previous modules.You’ve actually worked on many puzzle pieces of a production pipeline by now: in terms of preproduction you’ve learned about storytelling and storyboarding, character design and model sheets, moodboards, concept art and development. In production you trained on 3D modelling, texturing, rigging and even animation in Maya. In postproduction you have been introduced to editing image and sound and to 2.5 D.
So let’s merge all of this creative and technical knowledge into one course: Film projects.
Teamwork, production speed and weekly deadlines will be the ingredients to produce an animated short at the end of this course.
You will be a professional and stress-resistant teamplayer, who can accept direction from a team leader or who takes on the executing role him- or herself. You need to be able to make an educated estimation of whether or not certain assets are feasible in function of the production planning or technical and budgetary restrictions. You will learn to work according to the SCRUM project management methodology in which both your personal work and the end result the team achieved are evaluated.
Welcome to the real word of 3D production!
Technology used: Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk 3DS Max, Autodesk Maya, SIdeFX Houdini, Fusion.
We start off this course with a small project in order to get to know the pipeline. We take a photograph of an existing environment (here we used the school) and a HDRI image is taken as well. The goal was to add particles or a object and add an interesting effect to the scene. The 3D objects need to interact with the real scene. Therefore camera mapping was used and the real scene was recreated in 3D to act as a collision mesh for the particles and to generate shadows on and even reflections in the windows.
VFX_PROJECTS_GROUP03_Final_logo from DAE on Vimeo.
VFX_PROJECTS2020_Superpower_GROUP04 from DAE on Vimeo.
Now that we have established the pipeline and we know the pitfalls, we can move on to a bigger project. Instead of a still image as our main footage we will use moving footage. This calls for a lot more masking and even rotoscoping. Each student in a group has to pick a role, which sometimes means taking on tasks you are not (yet) comfortable with.
Sound was not required for this project.
VRX_PROJECTS_Lars_Stan_Fabio_Thibaut from DAE on Vimeo.
Group_LARRY_elientje_alina_ frederic from DAE on Vimeo.