Students in the second year were asked to model, texture and light a scene based on a painting. Materials where created with Substance, Arnold or Quixel mixer . Rendering was done in Maya with the Arnold render engine....

Inspirational talks by gaming industry giants. This event was tailored to industry professionals and people who want to take their interest in videogames to the next level. 1UP Conference hosted international...

Congratulations to DAE Alumnus Yahia Erraddahi and to MPC’s 1917 VFX team in Montreal, LA, Bangalore and London! 2020 Oscar winners for Visual Effects of 1917. Yahia worked as a CFX (Character/Creature FX) artist...

For the final assignment of 2D for games 1 our first year students Indie Game Development and Game Development had to design 2D assets for an endless runner game. Pereira Miguel Nicolas Vandendriessche...
For the final assignment of the Preproduction 1 course, our first year students designed a hovering, single-person vehicle that is able to travel long distances through desert landscapes. The student had to...

DAE Senior student Maxime Rigole created a game-ready optimized environment as part of his Graduation Work project. About the project: "Inside a valley on a strange alien planet, an explorer is trapped as the...

After 5 weeks of studying in the game development major, we gave our students the assignment to "make a game" using the basic knowledge they have acquired so far. These might not be the high-end, polished...

Alumnus Stef Janssens did his internship at Black Shamrock - a Virtuos Studio , located in Dublin, Ireland. After graduation, he was hired by Black Shamrock as a Junior Gameplay Programmer, where he worked on Star...

MoonMonster Studios is a new game development company with a focus on creating the next level of interactive games. It’s founded by DAE alumni Gilles Vancoillie and Seppe Roelandt – both graduated the...

All DAE students end their studies with a final internship semester, right before they graduate. Needless to say, this is a big deal for all of them (and us), and often a great way to land their first job - in Belgium or...

DAE participated with 2 teams at Brains Eden 2019, both teams winning an award! Brains Eden Festival is hosted in Cambridge, UK and it is a 48-hour game jam where teams of 5 students have to make original...

The first year VFX and Game Graphics Production students had to create a vehicle based on reference in the course 3D High Poly. We focus on thorough knowledge of subdivision modeling techniques in 3ds Max. For photorealisticly...

Each year our first-year students of the Game Development major need to prove that they understand the basics of C++. What better way than asking them to create their own game or to recreate one of their childhood favourites...

In Level Decoration our students push themselves and Unreal to the edge when it comes to environment art. Using everything Unreal Engine has to offer, they not only make visually stunning results, but also take into...

The essence of this course is to apply basic principles in a more complex context. Combining shapes and volumes in perspective for interfaces and more complex characters. We study perspective, light and shadow and thus build...

In order for our developer students to communicate clearly and cooperate with their artist counterparts, it is necessary for them to understand the whole asset creation pipeline. Although it is not the main focus of our...

Here are a number of educational games made by students of our Independent Game Production major, in the course module 'Game Prototyping 2'. Their assignment was to explore engaging ways to include "education"...

DAE Alumna Margot De Smet worked as an animator for Game of Thrones on last season’s episode “The long night”. After keeping it a secret for so long, she could finally share her experience with...

Belgian comedian Urbanus has released his first Animation Feature film and of course Digital Arts and Entertainment has some envolvement in it. Our very own Raf Schoenmaekers was responsible for making sure the whole movie was...

On Saturday 13 & Sunday 14 April 2019 the Strong Viking Obstacle Run was back in Belgium! DAE students and lecturers participated in the Mud Edition Run, which took place on the very natural provincial estate in...

In the course 3D Production (2nd year VFX major) the student had to create a sci-fi scene. This could be an own design or based of a movie. Everything is modeled by the student in either 3ds Max or Maya and...

The Rookies Awards, which started in 2010, is the biggest annual contest for aspiring digital entertainment artists. It’s open to young creatives in visual effects, animation, games, virtual reality, motion graphics and...

These are the results of the 3D Low Poly course, an introductory course for first year students that covers the basics of 3D low poly modeling, optimizing meshes, unwrapping, rendering out the ambient occlusion of your...

And the icing on the cake from our third year vfx students,.... ...,teamwork, production speed and weekly deadlines resulted in very professional VFX Projects. Enjoy the results! :-)

Last night Spider-Man: into the Spider-Verse was awarded an oscar for best Animated Feature Film. DAE alumnus Sam Verschraegen worked as an animator on that movie - how cool is that! ...

And as the cherry on top, here are the group projects made by our third year students . In small teams they designed and made an applied or an entertainment game from scratch. Teams were composed of students from the major...

After 5 weeks of following the Programming 1 course, we gave our students the assignment to "make a grid-based game" using the basic knowledge they have acquired so far. These projects might not be the...

We present to you the best results of the first assignment in the course "character design" from the past 4 years. Each year the students had to create a realistic character within a given setting, using pictures...

To inspire our students, we decided to bring them on a study trip to Montreal , the second largest city of Canada, the mecca of the Canadian VFX & Game Industry and an upcoming hub for the AI industry . 1 out of 6...

Alumnus Leslie Van den Broeck is doing very well! He is a Senior Character Artist at Blizzard Entertainment where he is working on Heroes of the Storm . As you can see below...

Graphic Programming 2 - During Graphics Programming 2 students learn how to build a simple game engine (almost) from scratch, all through code of course. So no editor, no extra tools, it's all about understanding what you are...

For the final exam of Level Decoration students had to dress up an environment in Unreal, taking into account performance, composition, colors, materials, lighting and everything else to make a portfolio-worthy scene....

Each year our first-year students of the Game Development major need to prove that they understand the basics of C++. What better way than asking them to recreate one of their childhood favourites – games they have...

Students were asked to model, texture and light a scene based on a painting. Mahiedinne Oussama "Louise de Broglie, Countess d'Haussonville by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres meets Robots" Simon van...

Below are the exam results of the Game Art 1 course. This is a first year course, taken by the students from the Game Graphics Production and the Independent Game Production majors.

Below are some of the results of the assignments submitted by our students during the Game Art 1 course. This is a second-semester course in the first year, taken by the students of the Game Graphics Production and...

One of the assignments of the Level Decoration course is to create an Architectural Visualisation in the Unreal Engine, focusing on light and materials.

Seppe Vangrunderbeek has researched 3D muscles simulations for his VFX graduation work. We know about muscles in real life. However, there are plenty of muscles to be found in the digital world as well, and...

As part of their Prototyping exam, students had to work together in a group to develop a enjoyable board game. The focus of the assignment was not to have a perfectly finished game, but more about the iterative design process,...

For this course the students from the major Game Graphics Production and Game Development join forces to create a bigger game project. This project took 12 weeks to complete while, of course, doing other courses in the...

In his first year Game Graphics Production student Jimmy Ghysens made this low poly Centaur Tribe Warrior for the Game Art course. A very impressive piece! It even got staff picked on Sketchfab.

For her graduation work Ellie Porfyridou chose real-time hair as her research topic. Hair is a multiplex mixture of geometry, shading and texturing process. In addition, it requires many iterations to achieve a...

For their exam assignment, our students created a character/creature design based on a chosen style out of the provided options. After a thorough analysis of the style they then sculpted their design in ZBrush, making sure not...

For the Character Creation exam, our students pushed themselves to the limit and created their first full body character. Anatomy, posing, material definition and topology all played a part in this assignment. Check out...

During the course Level Editing 1 the Game Graphics Production students get their first introduction into the Unreal Engine as a level editing program. The assignment is to create a playable level for the Unreal Tournament...

In the course 3D High Poly, the first year VFX and Game Graphics Production students were given the task to create a car based on reference pictures. Accuracy and believablility were very important during this assignment....

Fortnite might well be the most popular game at the moment and some of the character heads are made by DAE alumni!!! Tim Moreels works as a 3D Character artist at Airborn Studios in Berlin and Shana...

Marvel has released Avengers Infinity War which has been a massive success as it has crossed the $1 billion mark worldwide, making it the fastest movie to reach $1 billion at the box office, overtaking Star Wars: the Force...