Congratulations to Oskar Kuijken and Leslie Van den Broeck on making it onto the latest polycount recap .

Xavier Fiers is featured on the Polycount recap page with an Asian CryEngine scene. Congratulations !

The final assignment of the course 3D2 (first year students) is modeling a high poly vehicle using subdivision modeling techniques. Being in control of your 3D model is very important and some strict rules need to be...

Some new Next Gen Characters from the course Character Creation . This is their first full 3D character using Zbrush. Gert-Jan Van De Put Jeroen Devriendt Jonas Vandeputte

Alumni and colleague Shana Vandercruysse has finished her Roller Girl. In between givinig classes we've seen her working on it here at the office and were very keen on seeing the final renders. They are here now ! And it's...

We held 6 workshops at the Level. We are very pleased to have such renowed guest speakers visiting us. Workshop 1 Audio Design for Games by Chanel Summers (Syndicate 17 - USA) How can you augment the...

Below you can find Nick’s journey from artist at GriN to student at DAE to teacher at DAE to tattoo artist! What a road and it sure isn’t finished yet! Enjoy his story: My DAE career began in...
This assignment about Mood and Color was all about creating a convincing mood by the use of values and colors. The students went from observational thumbnails on location to a finished lineart, making value and color studies...

Alumni Kevin Saey graduated in 2013 from Digital Arts and Entertainment. During his studies here he got more and more interested in architectural visualisations and the vray render engine. Kevin got a chance to do his...

Another hand painted texturing assignment from the course Game Graphics. Model was given, all texturing done in Photoshop.

Alumni Waldo Bronchart made a very useful utility to learn and search shortcuts for popular applications. Learn more about it here: http://waldobronchart.github.io/ShortcutMapper/ . It is not always...

This Power Tool is the first big subdivision modeling assignment the first year students had to make for the course 3D2 . They also learned how to create a light setup, how to render the ambient occulsion render pass and use...

For the second year course Game Graphics, our students need to make three intermediate assignments before showcasing all their knowledge in the final exam assignment. The Forest Scene assignment is the second of three...

Alumni Hannes Delbeke became runner up on the Construct3D challenge with a fire extinguisher game model. He won a sketchfab Pro license, a nDo and dDo license and Marmoset Skyshop. What a prize ! Everything a...

Kweetet.be is an educational online platform for children in primary school aged 6 to 12 developed by die Keure . Its main goal is to provide children an amusing way to do their homework and rehears what they have been...

Alumnus Matthieu Vermeylen aka Matthew Dawn graduated from Digital Arts and Entertainment in 2010 and is now a renowned Grafitti artist in Belgium. Matthieu was approached by Xior, a project developer...

Alumni Jacco Goris co-founded a company called 3D Product Imaging in Seattle together with Darrick Morrison. Jacco graduated from Digital Arts and Entertainment in 2012 and had worked at Cartamundi Digital....

nWave released a mobile game based on their feature film the House of Magic with the help of alumni Hannes Devillé and Sébastien van der Avoirt. Thunder, an abandoned young cat seeking shelter...

Alumnus Hannes Devillé (employed at nWave) is currently very busy with the organisation of the second edition of Free To Play 2014 . This is an exposition about Indie Games and Game Art. The exposition starts from May...

Jeroen Maton, a fulltime modeler/environment artist at EA Dice (Sweden) has some new images up on his website from the work he has done on Battlefield 4. Very Impressive ! Be sure to check them...

Alumni Jhonie Aelbrecht , Kevin van Asch , Aaron D'Haene and Laurens Bekaert worked on the animation series What's the big idea? at Grid-Vfx . Jhonie was responsible for asset and error handling, lighting (vray),...

Kinect Sports Rivals has been released by Rare . Kinect Sports Rivals is the first dedicated Kinect title for Xbox One since its launch. Kinect Sports Rivals is the next generation of the best-selling Kinect franchise, Kinect...

Filip Van Mieghem designed and sculpted this Lizard for his portfolio. It was then retopologized and made into a low poly game character with normal maps. Quite an impressive piece.

Leslie Van Den Broeck (aka Ravenslayer) and Tom Delboo are featured on the Polycount Recap . Leslie with a zbrush creature and Tom Delboo with a handpainted texture exercise. Congratulations ! Update:...

Age Of Wonders 3 has been released for PC and is doing very well ! On steam it received a score of 81. The game is made by Triumph Studios located in Delft, the Netherlands. Over the past two...

Alena from Belarus is explaining how a day/week at Digital Arts and Entertainment looks like. From Kortrijk is very easy to travel, discover new places and also visit other countries. Alejandro from...

Some amazing quick sculpts made by Tom Delboo in Zbrush. Most of these were made under the hour. Some other work of Tom Delboo.

Here is a small selection of some of the better compostion paintings and sketches from the Preproduction 2 course in the first year. Well done!

Here is a selection of some of the "Very low poly" game art pieces from the Game Graphics course in the second year. Well done!

Kenneth Muyt is a final year Journalism student at Arteveldehogeschool in Ghent. This semester, he had to make a television documentary as bachelor thesis. He chose to make a documentary about game development....

He did it, Episode 20 is online! Enjoy it here ! Art Stuff! is a tutorial series by Jordy Lakiere on youtube about digital painting and drawing. Covering fundamentals and moving into advanced...

Alumnus Alexander Delagrange has joined our team, replacing Laura Loossens who has joined Nwave . We wish Laura all the best and hope to see her work on the big screen! Alexander will be...

Stan Loiseaux made a modular stylized UDK scene for the course Game Graphics based upon the countryside in Belgium. The spaceship is build entirely out of parts found in other places in the...

Grid vfx teamed up with SoCal-based CFE for the animations and visual effects on ‘Knack’. Knack was one of two flagship exclusive launch titles for the PlayStation 4 (the other being Killzone: Shadow...

Alumni Brian Cox and Dirk Driehuijzen aka the Fabulous Boys, released Nerdy BIrd 3D, a fun, addictive and highly challenging game offering a real test of skills. Unlike other games there is no way to...

On Friday February 14 th 2014 Belgian Game studio GRIN submitted their game Woolfe to the Steam Greenlight community. Only five days later, their upcoming Woolfe game was greenlit for Steam! Congrats guys! And the...

Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart is a feature animated movie Produced by Europacorp, France 3, Ile de France, Canal+, CinéCinéma, Walking The Dog and Ufilm, Directed by, Stéphane Berla & Mathias...

The creaweek is one week of total anarchy on our campus. All the regular lessons for our first year students are replaced by four hour workshops about topics that normaly do not fit in our curriculum but that we consider to be...

Beautiful portfolio work by Lise Dejaegere who made a scary self-portrait. Here is another one of Lise her 2D paintings. This calls for more !

After a 20h trip and the following jetlag the group took a tour around Seattle city and visited the National Olympic park. What a great area; they hiked around a genuine Native American reservation, snowy mountain...

This is a selection of the best works from the course unit Character Design 2013. In the second year of DAE, you get to design your own characters for either game or animation and 3D productions. After an intensive...

Alumni Jeroen Van Hoorebeke has just released some new artwork. His aviator is a stunning piece and has been featured on the famous polycount recap page. Jeroen was working at 2Kczec as a character artist on...

Brent Rombouts remade the Azog scene from the movie the Hobbit...on his own! Sculpting, texturing, rigging, animating, matte painting and compositing. This was Brent his graduation project, while of course attending the other...

Joeri Vromman is making quite a name for himself on international forums. His hard surface next gen 3D work is attracting a lot of attention and has been featured on the polycount recap threads more than once. ...

Triangle Factory, a company run by DAE alumni, have released Yeti set go ! an mobile epic adventure game. Join Yeti in an epic adventure as his loved ones are kidnapped by evil scientists! Use your unique...

Alumni Niels Biliet (Art assistant), Vincent Callebaut (Map support) and Laurens Seynaeve (Development assistant) are currently employed at Rockstar North (UK) and worked on the popular Grand Theft Auto V game....

Alumnus Roel Coucke has made a video tutorial for Digital Tutors: " Creating a Game-Ready Sci-Fi Environment in Maya ", in this Maya tutorial you will learn how to create a game-ready environment. Roel Coucke is...

Larian Studios from Ghent (Belgium) has released Dragon Commander . No less than 13 alumni worked on this huge and stunning project. Bastian Damman : Programmer Sebastiaan Sprengers : Programmer...

Howest DAE team (Fries Boury, Hendrik Coppens, Brian Cox, Oscar Kuijken en Jos Balcaen) runners up at Brains Eden gamejam in Cambridge, UK. Brains Eden Gaming Festival is an epic celebration of young games creators and the...
The Digital Arts And Entertainment (DAE) bachelor programme at Belgium’s Howest University College begins its third iteration this year, having just been redesigned from the ground up with help from experts working...