
17 Apr 18

Come and check out The Level, see example work from the courses and meet students and faculty.  Doors open at 10:00 and close at 16:00  

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13 Mar 18

These are the results of the 3D Low Poly course, an introductory course for first year students that covers the basics of 3D low poly modeling, optimizing meshes, unwrapping, rendering out the ambient occlusion of your...

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08 Mar 18

 Ronja Jansen  Sander Nykjaer  Ian Van Der Mijn  Nic Belliard  Sjors De Laat  Evgeni Vdovlov  Allan De Paepe  Lukas Boonen  Tristan Gybels  Ine Kiebooms  Bert...

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14 Feb 18

Ian Van Der Mijn Evgeni Vdovlov  Niklas Simon  Sander Nykjaer     SOME SKETCHFAB TURNTABLES

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01 Feb 18

For the final assignment of the Preproduction 1 course, our first year students designed am armored walker bassed on existing World War II vehicles. The students had to use the same function and style of the vehicle...

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31 Jan 18

Our third year  game students just finished their group projects. In small teams they designed and made an entertainment game from scratch. Teams consist out of a blend of students from the major Game Development, Game...

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27 Jan 18

Our third year  game students just finished their group projects. In small teams they designed and made an applied game for a specific question from an enterprise or organization. Teams consist out of a blend of students...

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20 Jan 18

Our third year students form the major  3D production and visual effects  just finished their group projects. In small teams they made a fictitious film trailer.  

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08 Jan 18

For 5 days, 13 students from European animation schools participate to a video mapping workshop. They are working together to produce a video mapping performance for the stair case of HOWEST school in Belgium. In this edition...

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21 Dec 17

We are proud  to announce that Greygin, the start up of Brecht Kets and Mike Ptacek, former DAE teachers and also a DAE Studio’s spin off, won the Bizidee 2017 award (best Business Idea) with their Play it Safe...

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04 Dec 17

 Little kids learn by playing games, big boys and girls learn by making games. After 5 weeks of studying the art of programming, we gave our students the assignment to "make a game" using the basic knowledge...

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28 Nov 17

Alumnus Kwanbo Kim (on the right) is currently working at eXiin in Brussels on a game called " Ary and the Secret of Seasons ". Kwanbo was interviewed by SideFX, the company behind the amazing software Houdini,...

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23 Nov 17

Alumnus Tycho Terryn has started an independent VR / game development studio called EntroPi Games in Berlin. They are pround to announce Vinyl Reality. the first DJ Mixing application that accurately recreates a...

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28 Oct 17

In Stylized Design and Creation we teach the students to analyze and apply any given style in games or films. For this exercise the students referenced dinosaurs and stylized the typical characteristics.   In...

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25 Oct 17

More than 100 senior DAE students are currently looking for an internship (spring of 2018), and to kickstart their search we organised our annual internship fair in October. On Friday the 13rd, no less!   Just a few...

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29 Sep 17

The Rookies , a worldwide awards and mentor programme for young creatives in games, film, animation, virtual reality and 3D visualisation, have ranked Howest University, Digital Arts and Entertainment as the best school...

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28 Sep 17

Alumnus Jeroen Maton who graduated with the first batch of DAE students is now working at Bungie in the USA. Bungie recently released Destiny 2 , an action shooter set in a mythic science fiction world.   ...

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26 Sep 17

Every year, our first-year students of the Game Development major need to prove that they understand the basics of C++. What better way than asking them to recreate one of their childhood favourites – games they have...

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25 Sep 17

Belgium's biggest game studio Larian Studios has released their new game: Divinity Original Sin II and they will come over to our campus to talk about the production.    A bunch of our students have worked on...

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18 Aug 17

These are the results of the level scripting exam. For this exam the students had to create a finished game in unreal engine 4 using blueprints. With this exam they have to manage their time throughout an entire semester,...

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16 Aug 17

What projects did you work on so far at ILM (London)? When I started Doctor Strange and Rogue One were in delivery mode, so part of my training consisted of helping out where needed on those projects. At the moment I am...

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12 Jul 17

DAE Team ‘ D amn A mazing E ducation’ scoops the top prize at Brains Eden 2017!   Brains Eden Festival is a four-day Game Jam event held in Cambridge UK, in which teams have 48 hours to make an...

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05 Jul 17

Alumni Jeroen Van Hoorebeke released some shots of the characters he created for Mafia III. Jeroen works at Hanger 13 in San Francisco and is responsible for:   -High and low poly character modeling, unwrapping...

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02 Jul 17

For his graduation work Olmo Potums made "Blendscape", a terrain-blending tool for the Unreal Engine 4. It aims to remove the hard intersection seams between meshes and the landscape. To achieve this, Distance...

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30 Jun 17

As part of their Prototyping exam, students had to work together in a group to develop a enjoyable board game. The focus of the assignment was not to have a perfectly finished game, but more about the iterative design process,...

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29 Jun 17

This semester we learned how to analyze sound, to create lipsynch, facial expressions and animal behavior. The exam assignment was intended to combine all of those elements . Students aslo needed to respect the...

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27 Jun 17

The idea of this assignmnent was to recreate characters based on existing concepts, really focusing on the translation from 2D to 3D. First of all it is of course important to get a good understanding of proportion and...

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26 Jun 17

For their end term project, our students at Digital Arts and Entertainment had to design a pirate island based on a small backstory. The story takes place during the Golden Age of Piracy, when sailors and privateers...

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23 Jun 17

In the 3D2 module students create 3D objects using subdivision modeling techniques. They were introduced into creating procedural materials and learnt how to render using Nvidia Mental Ray. Render passes like ambient...

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06 Jun 17

For this digital matte painting exercise we started from the idea that WW2 continued for some extra decades and the world powers built bigger and bigger battleships. Vessels like the -never built -"Führer Class"...

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20 May 17

One of the main topics for our second year Game Development students and also the Game Graphics Production students is rigging. The students first learn the basics of rigging, with the focus on technical objects. ...

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27 Apr 17

Antigraviator is a futuristic head-to-head racing game, made by four final-year DAE students.   You can now back them on  kickstarter !!   They've made quite some  progress  in comparison...

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26 Apr 17

Hoverloop is a splitscreen aracde arena combat game made by alumnus Philippe Mesotten and Lars Driessen, together they form Not A Company .   In Hoverloop you have acces to an array of customizable drones, each...

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25 Apr 17

Final year Game Development students Niels Dewitte has one the Search For A Star compitition in the UK.    With his real-time VFX entry made in Unreal Engine 4, he became "overall category winner"...

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21 Apr 17

For his graduation work Dovydas Budrys explored the possibilities of making an tornado in the unreal engine that interacts with its surroundings.   Not having encountered a tornado himself as of yet, it is important...

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29 Mar 17

For his graduation work , final year game development student Simon Coenen, studied how to implement soft bodies using a particle physics based simulation library created by Nvidia called FleX. Soft bodies are just one of the...

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24 Mar 17

In the last few years a considerable amount of games where announced or released that have mechanics involving the player moving from the surface of a planet to space without a loading screen, without a noticeable change in...

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23 Mar 17

In the course Level Editing 1 our second year students came into contact with the Unreal Engine for the first time. The students had to design and create a level for the new Unreal Tournament game. Because the task is vast and...

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21 Mar 17

MyMachine  is a non-profit Flemish/Belgian initiative to promote creativity, enterpreneurship and inventive cross-pollination throughout all levels of education (primary, secondary and higher education). Digital Arts and...

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17 Mar 17

 These are the results of the 3D production course from the major VFX and 3D production.  Second year students were asked to recreate a frame or set from a movie or tv-show in maya and arnold.  Hatim Toulni:...

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15 Mar 17

For his graduation work,  Niels Timmerman took on the task of researching realistic behaviour and influences of water on a moving character. The goal was to make a small-scale, close-up VFX shot with a character, which...

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02 Mar 17

What started as a game projects production evolved to 4 students creating their own company: Cybernetic Walrus. They are working with DAE Studios to bring their game to market. After getting a visual makeover, a new trailer...

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24 Feb 17

Alumnus  Oskar Kuijken is a freelance character artist. He started out working for Triumph Studios in the Netherlands, after which he moved to Stockholm to work on Gauntlet and Helldivers with Arrowhead GS. Last year he...

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23 Feb 17

For the final assignment of the Preproduction 1 our first year students designed a hovering vehicle bassed on an existing vehcile. The students had to use the same function and style of the vehcile. They could chose...

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21 Feb 17

Ghent (Belgium) based visual effects studio Grid-vfx has created the visual effects for an episode of Black Sails , episode 403 . The episode had 198 vfx shots, from simple clean up to full cg shots.   ...

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20 Feb 17

10 years ago, 2 Howest colleagues were in Seattle and started dreaming about a new challenge: a studytrip to Japan. This year, finally, the idea came to be, resulting in the first DAE study trip to Japan. After 2 scouting...

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09 Feb 17

During the first half of the second year program, our students developed some amazing game prototypes.  But what are game prototypes I hear you ask!"   When designing games, the designer starts with a...

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08 Feb 17

These are the results of  being at DAE for one semester and following the 3D1 module. This module covers the basics of low poly modeling, optimizing meshes, unwrapping, rendering out the ambient occlusion of your object,...

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06 Feb 17

Here are some of the final works of Game Art Pipeline. Students had to make a realistic object from the 1914 to 1945 period.

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04 Feb 17

On Friday the 2nd of February, Flemish Minister for Education Hilde Crevits visited Digital Arts & Entertainment's the Level. Here, the Minister got introduced to the different educational programs and future plans of...

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